Join Us
Creating quality digital texts from older works is a very costly process. A typical 500 page Puritan volume costs many thousands of dollars to convert from its paper form to a faithful HTML file.
We thrive off of volunteer help! If you are interested in supporting the project, here are some suggestions. Authors and publishers, see below for ways the technology and processes of the EPP and its sister organizations (the Reformation Imaging Group and the Sharp Iron Press) can help support your operations!

Ways you can help EPP:
You as an individual can make a difference in supporting our endeavor by the following activities:
Write testimonials regarding the use or value of EPP products.
Volunteer as readers for EPP material. If you want to read a particular book that we plan to release in the future, we can send you a printed copy and you can report any errors you find.
Join our volunteer comparative proofreaders who check EPP-generated texts against their sources.
Volunteer as typists for very old or poorly-printed books that we cannot digitally reproduce.
Produce useful subject lists from EPP material.
Make suggestions about how to improve the product interface.
Collect and correlate biographical information about authors.
Acquire 'Dragon Natural Speaking' software for your Windows computer, including a suitable microphone or headset. Then allow the EPP to train you on how to 'read in' the works that currently only exist as 'olde Englisfhe' books!
Report any errors or bugs you might find.
Volunteer as HTML/Web experts to help solve EPP problems as well as extending the online and CD-based websites.
Help create quality translations into other languages such as Spanish, so that the EPP can start creating Product for those languages.
Become EPP distributors.
Tell friends about EPP!
Provide financial assistance to EPP through PayPal using the link below:

Individuals and organizations may want to consider becoming EPP sponsors. Sponsors volunteer any combination of funds, materials, volunteer time, etc. to the EPP towards work on a specific printed work or works. Special requests from individuals or organizations for particular works, in support of kingdom ministry, even if not accompanied by offers of sponsorship, will be given priority as available time and resources allow.
Creating quality digital texts from older works is a very costly process. A typical 500-page Puritan volume costs many thousands of dollars to convert from its paper form to a faithful HTML file.
We are happy to receive donated materials, such as paper, toner, cartridges, etc. The donation of source material is also very helpful. Please contact us first on this, as we already have many hundreds of books, booklets, tracts, etc.
Donations of labor and materials in the following areas are welcome:
Digital editing of scanned images
Text editing prior to proofreading and between consecutive proofreads
Comparative and traditional proofreading
Computer programming fees
Source material: expensive, antique books and modern reprints
Vast amounts of office paper to print the works
Large quantities of toner cartridges
Special text and image-handling software
Office supplies
Equipment with mechanical components such as scanners, printers, and CD writers
Significant mailing expenses to move material to and from the proofreaders
Sponsoring particular works is also a very helpful way to assist the EPP.
Thank you for keeping the old books alive! The EPP would like to help and support publishers as much as possible.
The EPP can provide a fresh e-text (without Roman numerals, printings marks, or printing errors) to publishers who are interested in republishing a particular book, perhaps in exchange for an acknowledgement or assistance with proofreading. Some publishers may already have several e-texts, but want or need more. The EPP would be glad to entertain e-text "trades" in such cases.
The EPP has undertaken republishing projects with Christian Research Press (The King James Version Defended by Edward F. Hills) and Reformation Heritage Books (A Compendium of Bible Truth by Archibald Alexander, and others). Other publishers are welcome to join our effort.
As you may know, some people do not prefer to read long stretches of material on a computer screen!
If you would be interested in seeing your work on a future version of the EPP CD, where your potential audience can sample your work, and your existing readers can use the EPP CD as an integrator and locator tool, please get in touch with us. Most (or all) modern authors who give away "e-book" versions of their works end up selling even more paper copies!